About Us

Peregrine's Pianos has been trading since September 2010 and our first thirteen years has seen a steady increase in all aspects of our work. In 2023 we opened "Little Peregrine" located next door to our main shop; this is London's bright new home for preowned and rental pianos.

Details of the Peregrine's Pianos team are at Our People and the main news events are listed in Our Blog. Do also look at our Facebook profile as this carries day to day items.

Pictured below is a recent "Elena Cobb Teacher Training event" (in our Room 3) featuring acclaimed teachers from the UK, Russia, Israel and USA.

Teacher Training Day

Our showrooms and music rehearsal rooms are open for all visitors and there is no need to make an appointment unless you are wishing to meet a specific member of our team or use a music room. For details about our privacy policy please refer to our privacy statement

Our opening hours are:

Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm: Saturday 9am - 4pm.

Other times are often possible, but should be booked in advance. We are closed for a week or so at Christmas and at Easter, and for about three weeks at the end of July and start of August. A printable map is available at Our Location.

Our contact details are:

Peregrine's Pianos, 137A Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8TU
Telephone (from within UK): 020 7242 9865 or from abroad: 0044 20 7242 9865

Email us at info@peregrines-pianos.com or open our Contact Form